City Directory Report

City Directory Report

Who has Occupied your Site over the Years?

Our City Directory Report identifies the names of the occupants for the Subject Property and adjacent sites going back in time for 50 Years (or more), at approximate 5 year intervals. The Report is provided as a PDF document with actual images of the directory listing pages.

Need to search farther back or add additional addresses? Contact us and will customize a search report to meet your needs!

Available within 2-3 Days!

$60 when ordered with our Basic or Standard ASTM Research Reports
Use Coupon Code: CDWRPT

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City Directories are a valuable resource for identifying past occupancy of a property over time. EDM conducts searches from a central repository of Polk Directories. Our standard search extends back approximately 50 years at 5 year intervals and consists of searching for one street address. Our report consists of images of the Volume Cover Page and Directory Page for each year that we find available entries. So now you can see more listings for adjacent and nearby properties!

Need to search farther back or need to extend your search to other street addresses? No problem! Just let us know and we will customize a report to meet your needs!

Available within 2-3 Days!

$75 when ordered with our Basic or Standard ASTM Research Reports